Public Land for Public Good
East Brooklyn Congregations (EBC) of which we are a member along with other partners will be holding a meeting 3 pm on Sunday, October 6, 2024, at Amity Baptist Church – 164-18 108th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11433. The purpose of the meeting is to further the fight for affordable housing.
Bus transportation is available to and from the event leaving from in front of Saint Matthew Church. Please register for the event and reserve a seat on the bus. Sign up forms are available in church after mass and by contacting the Rectory Office during the week. Additional details are available on the flyer here below.
EBC October 6, 2024 meeting.pdf
Documentary Film Maker to visit Saint Gregory the Great
A film crew is seeking participants for an upcoming short documentary film, “Curls on Sunday Morning.” The film tells the story of Michelle Obama’s personal hairstylist, Yene Damtew, and the community of her salon. A major part of Yene’s formative years – and her initial impression of hair – came from watching her mother prepare to go to their Sunday morning church services.
Read more about the project and the team behind it here. The director, Clark Burnett, is based in Crown Heights, and works as an associate producer for Ken Burns, though this is not a Ken Burns project.
The film crew is looking to film participants on the grounds of St. Gregory this Sunday, November 6, between 9:30AM and 1:30PM.
They will be filming portraits of women and girls, with the hopes of capturing a diversity of hairstyles, ages, and identities. Participants should come wearing their typical church attire and expect participation to take 20 minutes or less. The crew will not be conducting interviews — unless participants feel inspired to share their thoughts on the significance of Black hair, or the relevance of Black hair to the church experience.
If interested, please email Kathryn Macon, the associate producer of the project, with what time you expect to attend ([email protected]), and fill out this release form.
All are welcome. The more participants, the better!
2022 Parish Lenten Mission
The Parish community of St Matthew comes together again
for a new Lenten journey 2022 crafted in 5 different meetings
from Wednesday, March 9 to Wednesday, April 6, 2022 @ 7:00 pm.
The first 4 sessions will be conducted via Zoom. Each week Msgr. Pierre Andre Pierre will break open the Word in a general gathering followed by small group breakouts in English, Spanish and Creole with a group for Youth.
An optional deep dive discussion rounds out the evening.
The fifth week features prayers, preaching and the Eucharist at St Matthew Church.
The main focus is the Gospel of St Luke:
The gospel of the Year C
Inspiration – Meditation – Study
Week 1: Wednesday, March 9 Luke – The Gospel of the Holy Spirit
Week 2: Wednesday, March 16 Luke – The Gospel of Mary
Week 3: Wednesday, March 23 Luke – The Gospel of Prayer
Week 4: Wednesday, March 30 Luke – The Gospel of the Despised
Week 5: Wednesday, April 6 Luke – The Gospel of Mercy
To join the Zoom sessions click on the Zoom meeting link below or go to Zoom USA on line ( and enter the meeting information. Alternatively, you can call on your phone and enter the meeting information.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 829 1057 2744
Passcode: 113740
To join via phone dial 1(929)205-6099 and enter the meeting ID and passcode when prompted.Live stream links available on the parish website ( ).
Meet and Greet Sunday March 20th between 3pm and 5 pm
All parishioners and friends of the church are invited to participate in a Meet and Greet to be conducted via Zoom. This will be an opportunity to catch up with people. The prior events have been a great success and we expect this next one to be a success as well.
The Zoom meeting will open on Sunday March 20th at 3 pm and will remain open until 5 pm. Click on the Zoom meeting link below or go to Zoom USA on line ( and enter the meeting information. Alternatively, you can call on your phone and enter the meeting information.
Below are the Zoom particulars for the event including a link. Please share with others who might be interested in this get together. People can join for the whole time or for any portion of the time that they are available. Breakout Room option is available for smaller group conversations.
You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Meet and Greet
Time: March 20th 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Link to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 2042 7642
Passcode: 879368
To join via phone dial by your location and enter the meeting ID and passcode when prompted
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Find your local number:
COVID 19 Protocol Update
The Church is now open to full 100% capacity. You are encouraged to attend mass in person as the automatic dispensation from the obligation to attend mass instituted in response to the pandemic is no longer in effect in this Diocese.
You will notice some loosening of liturgical modifications that were put in place in response to the pandemic. For instance, hymnals and missalettes will be available for use. Also, the Offertory Procession with the gifts of bread and wine will resume.
Please note, Covid Protocols of temperature taking, hand sanitizing and contact tracing information collection continue. Social distancing and wearing masks are expected of all and are mandatory for those who are not vaccinated. Those who are ill, or feeling unwell, those who care for the sick and those truly at risk are dispensed from the obligation to attend mass, as is always the case.
Meet and Greet Sunday June 13th between 3pm and 5 pm
The Pastoral Planning Council of Saint Gregory the Great Church is happy to announce our next virtual Meet and Greet event. All present, past or potential future Gregorians are invited to participate. This will be an opportunity to catch up with people you may not have seen recently. The prior events have been a great success and we expect this next one to be a success as well.
The Zoom meeting will open on Sunday June 13th at 3 pm and will remain open until 5 pm. Click on the Zoom meeting link below or go to Zoom USA on line ( and enter the meeting information. Alternatively, you can call on your phone and enter the meeting information.
Below are the Zoom particulars for the event including a link. Please share with others who might be interested in this get together. People can join for the whole time or for any portion of the time that they are available.
Topic: Saint Gregory the Great Meet and Greet
Time: June 13, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Link to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 5016 6265
Passcode: 743900
To join via phone dial by your location and enter the meeting ID and passcode when prompted
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Find your local number:
Parish Lenten Virtual Retreat
We are on a Journey TOGETHER
The Parish is happy to announce our first virtual Lenten retreat.
Based upon scriptural study the journey will take place at 7 pm every Wednesday for 5 weeks. People can participate via Zoom for the first 4 sessions (see link below). Each week Msgr. Pierre Andre Pierre will break open the Word in a general gathering followed by small group breakouts in English, Spanish and Creole with a group just for Youth. An optional deep dive discussion rounds out the evening.
The fifth week will feature prayers and preaching from St. Matthew Church.
All 5 sessions will be available via live stream (see links below).
We Are Called TOGETHER – 7pm Wednesday February 24, 2021
Zoom meeting, also available live stream
We Are Sent TOGETHER – 7pm Wednesday March 3, 2021
Zoom meeting, also available live stream
We Heal the World TOGETHER – 7pm Wednesday March 10, 2021
Zoom meeting, also available live stream
We Are on a Journey TOGETHER – 7pm Wednesday March 17, 2021
Zoom meeting, also available live stream
We Build the Church TOGETHER – 7pm Wednesday March 24, 2021
Available only on live stream
To join the Zoom sessions click on the Zoom meeting link below or go to Zoom USA on line ( and enter the meeting information. Alternatively, you can call on your phone and enter the meeting information.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 862 4298 1386
Passcode: 301216
To join via phone dial 1(929)205-6099 and enter the meeting ID and passcode when prompted.
Live Stream Links
First session –
Second session –
Third session –
Fourth Session –
Final session March 24th –
Stations of the Cross During Lent
Stations of the Cross will be held in Church each Friday of Lent at 7PM starting February 19th.
Saint Gregory Celebrates Black History Month
During February the Heritage Committee of Saint Gregory the Great Church will celebrate Black History month with featured soloists during the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Mass. Please come and worship with us in person or check out the live stream of the services.
The soloists are:
- Saturday February 6th – Rosanne Barber
- Sunday February 7th – Lennox Calder
- Saturday February 13th – Brother Ronald Nethersole
- Sunday February 14th – Nicole Davis
- Saturday February 20th – Janet Cayenne
- Sunday February 21st – Carolyn Jack
- Saturday February 27th – Juliet Davilar
- Sunday February 28th – Merle Hypolite
St Gregory the Great is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: St Gregory the Great’s Bible Study with Bishop Sansaricq
Every week on Tue 07:15 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 9887 5775
Passcode: 374738
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,85498875775#,,,,,,0#,,374738# US (New York)
+13126266799,,85498875775#,,,,,,0#,,374738# US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 854 9887 5775
Passcode: 374738
Daily Mass – MONDAY JUNE 29, 2020
Sunday Mass – SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 4, 2020
Saint Matthew – 131
Our Lady of Charity – 56
St. Gregory the Great – 104
- Those who are ill or otherwise in a compromised state should not attend Mass publicly.
- All who enter the church must wear a mask.
- Based on the current guidelines, each Church will have to mark off sections, skipping each row and at least 6 feet apart (with the exception of families worshipping together) leaving room for the amount of people amounting to 25% of the completely full Church.
- Extra chairs can be placed in parking lots or gardens to accommodate the overflow (6 feet apart).
- As there will be no collection taken up during the mass, please deposit your offerings as you enter the church. An offertory basket will be set up. Alternatively, parishioners are encouraged to send in their offerings by mail or via e-giving services.
- There will be a number of modifications to the celebration of mass in order to comply with diocesan directives and utilize best health practices.
- There will be a reduced number of ministers for the mass and no altar servers.
- All ministers for the Mass (celebrant, deacon, lector) will sanitize their hands before Mass begins.
- Music ministry will be limited to the organist and cantor using a dedicated lectern and social distancing from the rest of the assembly.
- There will be no entrance procession for all Masses. (The Celebrant will not be wearing a mask at this time.)
- A separate podium or lectern will be set up for the lector while the priest will use the pulpit or ambo.
- There is no exchange of peace and no holding of hands at the Lord’s Prayer.
- People should come for Communion in the normal way, observing at least 6 feet of distance between them as they approach.
- Holy Communion will be distributed by the celebrant, concelebrating priests, and/or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion who will not be wearing gloves but will be wearing masks. The ministers will disinfect their hands before the distribution of Holy Communion. Communicants, likewise, should make sure that their hands are disinfected. The Host will be allowed to “fall” (reverently) into the communicant’s hand to avoid any physical contact.
- The communicant should come before the Minister of Communion with the mask on for the dialogue (“The Body of Christ. Amen.”) and then, after moving to the side, lower the mask, consume the Eucharist, and replace the mask.
- The Precious Blood will not be distributed to the faithful.
- After distribution of Holy Communion, the ministers will sanitize their hands at the Credence Table.
- There will be no recessional procession for all Masses. The Celebrant will not greet parishioners as they depart from church.
Gradual Re-Opening of Church
(Edited for the St. Matthew Community)
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio is pleased to announce the Diocese of Brooklyn will slowly work towards going back to normal by opening the doors of the churches on May 26, 2020 for private prayer and devotion as well as for funerals and limited celebrations of baptisms and weddings. The following directives will apply in general and individual churches should prepare further directions which the faithful must adhere to when visiting a church.
Stage 1: Opening of Churches for private prayer and devotion, Funerals, Baptisms and Weddings (May 26th)
Stage 2: Limited Celebrations of Daily Mass (June 29th)
Stage 3: Limited Celebrations of Sunday Mass (July 4th)
Stage 4: Celebration of First Holy Communion and Confirmation (No date has been set yet)
- After the churches reopen for private prayer and devotion, the full reopening of the churches for liturgical celebrations will begin after the order for reopening of large gatherings has been given. This is important because of the danger of gathered crowds and the possible spread of the virus.
- The churches will be marked off with tape to show areas that adhere to social distancing guidelines.
- The elderly and all who are health-compromised ARE ADVISED to stay home. Also, In the past 14 days if you have you experienced: fever (temperature of 100.4), cough, shortness of breath, chills/repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, you ARE ASKED TO STAY HOME. If you tested positive for COVID-19 or been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, YOU ARE ASKED TO STAY HOME. This is for the safety of others in the community.
- There will be NO holy water in the fonts.
- Hymnals, missalettes and any other worship aids will be removed from the pews and stored away.
- Bulletins are not distributed.
- Parishioners must wear masks, which they will bring on their own from home. No one should be in church without a mask.
- Parishioners are to be encouraged to bring hand sanitizer from home.
- Restrooms are open and available but used by one person at a time.
- For the foreseeable future, parishes may not schedule any events which will draw crowds and make social distancing difficult.
- The church will be open 4 hours each day. These hours will not coincide with the time a Mass is celebrated in the church.
- There is to be no congregating of people (e.g. gathering to say a rosary together). There should not be more than ten (10) people in the church and there cannot be a group gathered.
- The faithful cannot touch statues or other devotional objects in the church.
The directives indicated above apply for funerals as well.
Funeral services will be permitted but are to be strictly limited to 10 people. Holy Communion will not be distributed at these services.
Persons attending the funeral must be seated using social distancing norms (Six [6] feet apart) except for members of the same household and everyone must wear a mask or face covering.
Baptisms will take place with social distancing guidelines being enforced and limited to 10 or fewer participants. Baptisms can be celebrated only with prior consolation with the Office of the Chancellor.
Weddings will take place with social distancing guidelines being enforced and, at first, limited to 10 or fewer participants. No Nuptial Masses will be celebrated at this time. Holy Communion should not be distributed at this time. Weddings can be celebrated only with prior consultation with the Office of the Chancellor.
No gatherings of more than ten (10) persons is permitted. Outdoor services can only take place with the prior approval of the Vicar General of the Diocese of Brooklyn.
Anointings will be celebrated with the usual safety measures in place. Priests will wear mask and gloves and the anointing will take place with the use of a cotton ball which is to be reverently disposed of after each anointing. Any guidelines that are in place in hospitals or other institutions must be respected. There are to be no celebrations of communal anointings in church.
Confessions will take place with the priest and penitent both wearing masks and remaining at least six (6) feet distant from one another. A space other than a traditional confessional might need to be used. A larger space will be needed. Care must be taken to assure that no lines or groups form for confessions.
All public masses are currently suspended
With the suspension of Public Masses until further notice, the Diocese of Brooklyn’s cable channel, NET-TV, has added new services on Sunday and weekdays in multiple languages. The expanded lineup begins Sunday, March 22, 2020. Feel free to download the schedule below by right-clicking on the image and share it via social media or text with your friends and relatives.
NET-TV can be seen in the New York City area on Spectrum (Channel 97), Optimum (Channel 30), and FIOS (Channel 48). The Masses can be accessed on our website
During this time of separation, we hope you will tune in so we can still celebrate the Holy Mass together as a Diocese united in prayer for those who have died from Coronavirus, those who have fallen ill and the brave doctors, nurses, and caregivers on the front lines taking care of the sick
Most Rev. Raymond F. Chappetto, DD, VG, VE
Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn
Vicar General
Vicar for Clergy and Consecrated Life
![]() |
The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn released the following video recorded from the Chapel in his residence, on the Fourth Sunday of Lent, for the members of the faithful of Brooklyn and Queens.
Bishop DiMarzio speaks about the practice of spiritual communion which has long been part of the Church. The practice is something the great saints implemented when they could not receive the Holy Eucharist during times when communion was not as available as it is today. He also addresses the Sacrament of Reconciliation, encouraging like the Pope, to make a good act of contrition to prepare for when we have the chance for confession. The Bishop also encourages the faithful to do a personal natural penance, especially in this time of isolation, where there are many things we don’t like but have to do. The link of the full video can be found on the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Vimeo page at or click on the image below. Sincerely, Most Rev. Raymond F. Chappetto, DD, VG, VE |
Food Bank Personal Shopper Home Delivery
We would like to share the following information regarding Food Banks. Hopefully, this will be of assistance to you personally or perhaps you can share the information with someone you know is in need.
It is free, they do not ask for personal or financial information.
The local Food Banks and their contact phone numbers are as follows:
- Bedford Stuyvesant Food Bank – 732-771-9663
- Crown Heights Food Bank – 917-341-7675
- Flatbush Food Bank – 718-732-7196
To find a Food Bank in an area other than those mentioned above, please contact the Main Food Bank of New York City at 212-566-7855.
The process is as follows:
- Contact the Food Bank in the Borough and area where you live.
- Leave your Name, Address, Cross Streets and Phone Number.
- Someone from the Food Bank will return the call and at that time you will need to provide a moderate list of essential groceries needed. (The MODERATE grocery list should be prepared ahead of time.) The Representative from the Food Bank will also ask when would be a convenient time to make the delivery.