(Oct. 11th, 2020)Isaiah 25, 6-10; Psalm 23; Philippians 4, 12-14 +19-20; Matthew 22, 1-14

By +Guy Sansaricq

In today’s words, Heaven is compared to a wedding party where all are invited. However, some people turn down the invitation. Their own business is their sole concern. Blinded by selfish views, they close their ears to God’s loving voice. These simply disqualify themselves for heaven, for earthly pleaure is all they want. Out they go!

However the wedding party must go on. Then, others are called in. Yet, one guest showed up entering the hall without “a wedding garment.” He is mercilessly cast out into the darkness outside where there is wailing and grinding of teeth. This image of the “wedding garment” highlights the necessity for us to be in the STATE OF GRACE at the time of death.  God cannot be fooled. Only those with a “contrite and sincere heart” will gain access to him.    

The reference to “the darkness outside” where there will be “wailing and grinding of teeth” clearly points to hell. We need to know that the refusal of God’s invitation to a life of righteousness is no insignificant matter. As intelligent creatures provided with a mind and a free will, we are challenged to freely CHOSE our eternal destiny. We are not treated as children but as responsible adults.

Darkness will be the fate of those who reject the LIGHT. A FREE and WHOLE HEARTED ACCEPTANCE OF GOD’S INVITATION TO ETERNAL LIFE DETERMINES ONE’S SALVATION. To enter heaven, one’s consent, that is CONVERSION, is an absolute requirement.