Reflections on the readings for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

(SEPT. 6th 2020)

Ezekiel 33, 7-9; Psalm 96; Romans 13, 8-10; Matthew 18, 15-20.

By +Guy Sansaricq

We frequently get hurt in our relationships with one another. Jesus constantly demands that we pardon our offenders. Forgiveness is a primordial demand of the Gospel. Forgiveness however does not eliminate the duty of “FRATERNAL CORRECTION.”

This is the point made in today’s readings. We are called to approach the offender not to express anger or resentment but to gently call him to reexamine his soul. This approach is difficult but demonstrates our concern for the good of the sinner. We call him to overcome his negative feelings and to return to better dispositions. If the approach brings the sinner to repent, then you have “GAINED YOUR BROTHER.” If not, try again with the help of a friend and if this fails, call the whole Church to intervene. Eliminate the sin, not the sinner!

This advice is precious as we often come upon two apparently good people who refuse to speak to each other because of a fault that occurred years earlier. A brotherly exchange could probably bring their reconciliation. A mere misunderstanding may have caused the break up.

Jesus always emphasizing his appeal to LOVE in human relationships concludes his speech with a call for us to pray together. Praying alone is good and important but common prayer receives a larger response from our merciful God who is particularly sensitive to unity, forgiveness and mutual love.