November 8, 2020

Wisdom 6, 12-16;

Psalm 63;

1 Thessalonians 4, 13-18;

Matthew 25, 1-13

By +Guy Sansaricq

Christ is coming again!

Human history had a beginning.

It will also have an end.

The Church teaches with absolute certainty that there will be a last day. Otherwise, our earthly journey would lead nowhere. It’s the day when the PROMISE is fulfilled when redeemed mankind will share the glory of Jesus, the Victorious Redeemer. Salvation will achieve its ultimategoal, the fulfillment of human destiny, the day when history will blossom into eternity.

The parable today of the ten virgins waiting in the night for the coming of the bridegroom sheds greatlights on the subject. The FIVE WISE VIRGINS who had prudently purchased extra oil will be allowed to enter the banquet Hall. They had kept their lamps lighted thus signifying through their lighted candles the presence of GOD’S GRACE in their souls. The five foolish ones with their extinguished lamps stand to illustrate the fate of people who will be caught without grace when STRUCK BY DEATHWhat about you? Where do you belong?  The final lesson is this; “STAY AWAKE FOR YOU KNOW NOT THE TIME NOR THE HOUR The Church teaches us BE READY TODAY AND AT ALL TIME! Where you stand on the day of your death will determine your eternal FATE!

A choice must be made during our earthly days! Too many don’t bother making it, content as they are with earthly gratifications. Eternity is your destiny. Be wise enough to be prepared for judgment when death comes.We are not like a mass of blind sheep going nowhere; our earthly journey leads to a divine encounter!  Be found in the state of grace when the Lord returns!