By +Guy Sansaricq
Acts 4, 8-12; Psalm 118; 1 John 3, 1-2; John 10, 11-18
The glow of the risen Christ still illumines our hearts. Today we are told a story that brings to light the effects of Jesus’ resurrectionon the Church. St Peter in the name of Jesus heals a crippled man. When people stunned by this mighty deed looked with wonder at this simple fisherman he candidly explains that the power he displays belongs to the Risen Lord. Then he proclaims: “There is no other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved.” Yes, the Church now acts in the name of Jesus. Yes even now, we already enjoy a share in HIS life, power and victory.
The image of the GOOD SHEPHERD used in today’s Gospel further develops this theme. Jesus cares for his sheep as a shepherd for his flock. He protects us from the wolf that is from Satan who seeks our ruin. He wants us to preserve our UNITY as ONE FLOCK belonging to ONE SHEPHERD. The division of Christians is declared to be an unsurmountable obstacle to the conversion of the world. We are God’s children now. We have to show the world that God’s children live in unity not in discord. The division of Christians into twenty thousand denominations is a scandal and a betrayal of the Gospel.
May Peter’s words in the first reading remain engraved in our minds: “There is no salvation anywhere else by which we can be saved except THROUGH JESUS!”