October 4, 2020

Isaiah 5, 1-7; Psalm 80; Philippians 4, 6-9; Matthew 21, 33-43

By +Guy Sansaricq

The short story used in today’s Gospel stresses a point central to Jesus’ message that is our mandated participation in the BUILDING OF THE KINGDOM.

A large land owner, we are told, hired various groups of workers to cultivate his fields. Yet the hired men kept the crops to themselves and even beat up the owner’s servants dispatched to collect the master’s rightful share.  The landowner, most irritated by these rebellious acts decided to send his own son to demand his legitimate profit, assuming that these nasty tenants would never dare treating his own son in a disrespectful manner.  But the unscrupulous tenants killed the son.

We can see at once the meaning of the story. God is the land owner. The people of Israel were like the hired hands commissioned by God to build a city of justice, righteousness and peace. Yet, Israel ignored God’s directives, mistreated the Prophets and became depraved, unjust and pervert. The Father then sent his own son WHOM THEY KILLED.  Jesus is then referring to himself and his upcoming Passion on the Cross. The discourse concludes with a prophecy that CHALLENGES US today: The old tenants will be cast out and a new CHOSEN PEOPLE namely the CHURCH made up of people of every nation will now be put in charge of BUILDING GOD’S KINGDOM ON EARTH.

The KEY teaching is that we must fully DO OUR PART and actively labor in building a HOLY CITY.

Christians who are dishonest and inactive betray their vocation and jeopardize their salvation.