Reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 21, 2020

Jeremiah 20, 10-13; Psalm 69; Romans 5, 12-15; Matthew 10, 26-33

By +Guy Sansaricq

Unshakable trust in God is the lesson that we receive today. The first reading from Prophet Jeremiah recounts the persecutions endured by this man of God. But because he had entrusted his case to the Lord he lived without fear declaring: “The Lord is with me as a mighty champion.”

St. Paul in the second reading emphasizes the magnitude of the overflowing grace that comes to us from the risen body of Christ. There again we are called to live with the blessed assurance that our God who probes mind and heart rescues the life of the poor from the power of the wicked.  Therefore, the true missionary as well as the true believer overcomes all fear!

Jesus in the Gospel makes the same point. “Do not be afraid!” He tells his Apostles. Announce the message in spite of the opposition you will encounter, the rejection you will experience.

To this call to courage, Jesus adds that we each are most precious in his eyes. Even the hairs of our head are counted. “Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.”   Obviously Jesus wants all of us to be bold, enthusiastic, inflamed Evangelizers!