(May 24th, 2020)

Acts 1, 12-14; Psalm 2; 1 Peter 4, 13-16; John 17, 1-11

This Sunday falls between two major feasts, the Ascension celebrated last Thursday and Pentecost to be celebrated next Sunday.

The Gospel excerpt comes from the prayer of Jesus at the Last Supper when he declared that   his earthly mission had been fulfilled. He then asked the Father to give Him the same glory he enjoyed with HIM before the beginning of the world. That prayer was answered on Ascension Day when Jesus was lifted up to heaven and given a seat at the right hand of the Father. The Church unceasingly rejoices at the honor conferred upon her Lord on that great Day.

The first mighty deed of Jesus as King sitting on the throne of power and glory is to send his Holy Spirit upon The CHURCH. This will be the high point of the feast of Pentecost which fulfills the GREAT PROMISE. The human spirit, bright as it is, is unable to understand the greatness of God’s mystery. The Spirit enhances our capacity to understand God’s Holy Will and to love and willingly embrace it. Without the Spirit, no one can reach God.

Next Sunday therefore, we will commemorate and mostly re-enact the outpouring of the heavenly gift of the Spirit on our assemblies. Even though no longer with us physically, JESUS IS STILL WITH US THROUH THE SPIRIT AS REALLY AS HE WAS WHEN HE WALKED ON THE ROADS OF GALILEE.      

Let us spend this week praying intensely for that Spirit of truth, Power, Love, Unity and Peace. Only through these gifts shall we be successful in our mission AS CHRISTIANS. By +Guy Sansaricq