(May 10th, 2020)
Acts 6, 1-7; psalm 33; 1 Peter 2, 4-9; John 14, 1-12
By +Guy Sansaricq
Sunday tells the story of man’s ENHANCEMENT by the Risen Lord. As long as Jesus was around we were like school children. At the Resurrection we graduated as his co-workers.
Man’s UPLIFTING is what Jesus seeks. People like you and me are given the responsibility and power to do God’s work. We are to be “living stones, built upon Jesus the corner stone to be a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own.” Jesus adds “Whoever believes in me will do the work that I do and will do greater ones that these.”
We may feel frightened by such a lofty calling so Jesus tells us: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God and believe in me too.” Faith is key to our success. We must strongly believe that we are vested with God’s very power. It is through us, members of his holy nation that the mighty deeds of God will accrue to God’s people until the end of time.
We are the detainers of the very power we saw manifested in the risen Body of Christ. In the Name of Jesus we can announce the Word, baptize, forgive sins and perform the sacraments. Through us, his love is kept alive and active. This shows God’s loving plan for mankind. May we live up to this mighty mission! We are called out of darkness to His wonderful light!